CACMA Queen’s Cup 2024 Tournament – March 22, 2025 – Embassy Suites Ayrsley
We are happy to announce that CACMA will be hosting the 2024 Queen’s Cup Tournament at Embassy Suites Ayrsley in Charlotte, NC on March 16, 2024. Every year this event brings martial artists from around the US and the world! We gather to compete in forms competitions (empty hands and weapons) in Northern Kung Fu, Southern Kung Fu, Wushu, and Taijiquan as well as combat competitions in Light Contact Continuous Sparring, Full Contact Lei Tai, Push Hands, Sword Sparring and Chi Sao. This event is open to the public for both spectators and competitors.
For more details check out the tournament page HERE
CACMA Fall Classics 2024 Tournament – October 12, 2024 – Embassy Suites Ayrsley
We are happy to announce that CACMA will be hosting the 2024 Fall Classics Tournament at Embassy Suites Ayrsley in Charlotte, NC on October 12, 2024. Every year this event brings martial artists from around the US and the world! We gather to compete in forms competitions (empty hands and weapons) in Northern Kung Fu, Southern Kung Fu, Wushu, and Taijiquan as well as combat competitions in Light Contact Continuous Sparring, Full Contact Lei Tai, Push Hands, Sword Sparring and Chi Sao. This event is open to the public for both spectators and competitors.
For more details check out the tournament page HERE
CACMA Queen’s Cup 2024 Tournament – March 16, 2024 – Embassy Suites Ayrsley
We are happy to announce that CACMA will be hosting the 2024 Queen’s Cup Tournament at Embassy Suites Ayrsley in Charlotte, NC on March 16, 2024. Every year this event brings martial artists from around the US and the world! We gather to compete in forms competitions (empty hands and weapons) in Northern Kung Fu, Southern Kung Fu, Wushu, and Taijiquan as well as combat competitions in Light Contact Continuous Sparring, Full Contact Lei Tai, Push Hands, Sword Sparring and Chi Sao. This event is open to the public for both spectators and competitors.
CACMA Fall Classics 2023 Tournament – October 14, 2023 – Embassy Suites Ayrsley
We are happy to announce that CACMA will be hosting the 2023 Fall Classics Tournament at Embassy Suites Ayrsley in Charlotte, NC on October 14, 2023. Every year this event brings martial artists from around the US and the world! We gather to compete in forms competitions (empty hands and weapons) in Northern Kung Fu, Southern Kung Fu, Wushu, and Taijiquan as well as combat competitions in Light Contact Continuous Sparring, Full Contact Lei Tai, Push Hands, Sword Sparring and Chi Sao. This event is open to the public for both spectators and competitors.
CACMA Queen’s Cup 2023 Tournament – March 18, 2023 – Embassy Suites Ayrsley
We are happy to announce that CACMA will be hosting the 2023 Fall Classics Tournament at Embassy Suites Ayrsley in Charlotte, NC on March 18, 2023. Every year this event brings martial artists from around the US and the world! We gather to compete in forms competitions (empty hands and weapons) in Northern Kung Fu, Southern Kung Fu, Wushu, and Taijiquan as well as combat competitions in Light Contact Continuous Sparring, Full Contact Lei Tai, Push Hands, Sword Sparring and Chi Sao. This event is open to the public for both spectators and competitors.
CACMA Fall Classics 2022 Tournament – October 15, 2022 – Embassy Suites Ayrsley
We are happy to announce that CACMA will be hosting the 2022 Fall Classics Tournament at Embassy Suites Ayrsley in Charlotte, NC on October 15, 2022. Every year this event brings martial artists from around the US and the world! We gather to compete in forms competitions (empty hands and weapons) in Northern Kung Fu, Southern Kung Fu, Wushu, and Taijiquan as well as combat competitions in Light Contact Continuous Sparring, Full Contact Lei Tai, Push Hands, Sword Sparring and Chi Sao. This event is open to the public for both spectators and competitors.
CACMA Tournament 2022
Based on polling on Facebook and uncertainty about COVID related restrictions, we are opting to postpone the 2022 tournament until the fall. We are looking into several options and will post updates here and on Facebook as soon as we have information. Thanks for your continued support of CACMA. We appreciate your patience as we navigate this difficult time.
Join CACMA at the 2021 USKSF Championship Tournament
Many CACMA regulars will be participating in this year’s U.S. International Kuo Shu Championship Tournament. Once again, the USKSF will host its annual event at the Delta Hotels Baltimore Hunt Valley in Hunt Valley, Maryland during the weekend of July 23-25, 2021. Competition will be held throughout the weekend in external and internal forms, weapons, sparring, and full-contact (Lei Tai) fighting events. Come join with CACMA in being a part of this fantastic tournament!
Queen Charlotte’s Cup Postponed
Hi everyone,
It is with great regret that we are going to have to postpone this year’s CACMA Tournament event. My understanding is from our tournament director and staff that the NC Governor has mandated events with 100 or more participants be canceled. This all came down late today it is my understanding and after consulting with our board it was a unanimous decision to cancel the event and comply with the governors ruling.
We will definitely have this tournament this year! We just have to coordinate with the venue for an open date sometime in May or June. That according to what we are hearing, will be plenty of time for things to settle out, warm weather will arrive, and we will be able to have a fun and safe environment.
As always, you guys are our priority. You guys having fun, learning something from our event, the great camaraderie, and above all, in this situation, your absolute health and welfare.
I hope you guys understand this decision. If you have hotel rooms, it is our understanding at this point that they are going to allow cancellation without fees. Also if you’re flying in, check with your airline to find out how you will go about postponing your flight to the event.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact myself or Christopher Facente, or our tournament director Chris Weeks.
Anthony Stephenson
CACMA President
Queen Charlotte’s Cup at Hilton Garden Inn Charlotte/Ayrsley – March 14th, 2020
Tournament Information:
Please come as early as possible to registration so we can begin our events promptly at 9:30. We will have several people on hand to handle registration to keep the line moving quickly. Our events page is coming soon.
Registration: 8 AM Events: 9:30 AM
Pre-Registration: $65 Registration at the door: $75.00 Spectator Fee: $5.00
NOTE: All competitors wishing to compete in our full contact Lei Tai division MUST contact Sifu Chris Facente BEFORE the tournament to ensure all fight arrangements can be made.
Hilton Garden Inn Charlotte/Ayrsley
1920 Ayrsley Town Blvd
Charlotte, NC 28273
Queen Charlotte’s Cup 2018 a Success!
Again this year we held the Queen Charlotte’s cup at Bain Elementary School. This year we added a Food Truck on site selling fantastic Chinese food at a great price. We had excellent competition and look forward to next years’ competition. Thank you for supporting us!
CACMA tournament certifies judges
The United States Kuoshu Federation sent representatives down to Charlotte for the first National Certification process to be held outside of the International Tournament in Baltimore. Masters John Green and Ian Chisholm and Sifu Ken Saunders held the training for CACMA. Certified Judges allow for better competition and allows CACMA to be a leader in a fair tournament.
CACMA Apps here, never miss your event!
The number one complaint we have from competitors is they missed their event due to not being at the scheduled time. While it is very hard to schedule a tournament out due to many variables, we can send push notifications through the CACMA app.
The CACMA app will also allow you to access the website and check for updates. Soon we will have the capability to register on the app. The iPhone version is coming soon, as soon as Apple gives us the approval.
Queen Charlotte’s Cup at Bain Elementary School in Mint Hill, NC – March 10, 2018
Come join us at the Carolina’s premier Martial Arts event at the Bain Elementary School in Mint Hill, NC on March 10, 2018. Every year this event brings martial artists from around the US and the world! We gather to compete in forms competitions (empty hands and weapons) in Northern Kung Fu, Southern Kung Fu, Wushu, and Taijiquan as well as combat competitions in Light Contact Continuous Sparring, Full Contact Lei Tai, Push Hands, Sword Sparring and Chi Sao. This event is open to the public for both spectators and competitors. Please see our 2018 Tournament Page to learn more about it. Competitors, Pre-registration is closed. See you at the tournament!!!
Join CACMA at the 2018 USKSF Championship Tournament
If the Queen Charlotte’s Cup is a gauge, then many from CACMA will be competing at the USKSF tournament in Baltimore MD. Don’t miss this exciting tournament as it is a qualifier for the world tournament to be held in July, 2018 in Baltimore MD. Please visit for more information.
Upcoming Carolina Tournaments
In addition to the Queens Charlotte’s Cup there are several other quality tournaments in the area this year including the Robert Kitchin Open Martial Arts Championship in September and the annual Fall Classic later in the year. Visit our events page for more information. If you would like to have your tournament sanctioned or recognized by CACMA please email Anthony Stephenson at
Queen Charlotte’s Cup 2017 a success!
After a rocky start, including canceling the tournament at one point, the 2017 Queen Charlotte’s Cup went on to be another big success. Thanks to Sifu Eric Sbarge and the Peaceful Dragon, the event was well hosted and attended. Eight Lei Tai matches were held with competitors from as far north as Baltimore to as far south as Tampa FL.
One of the highlights, although a sad one, was the announcement of the passing of Master Li Keung of Lai Tung Pai. Master Li, already diagnosed with cancer, was due to receive a Lifetime Achievement Award for his service to promoting Martial Arts. He will truly be missed.
Master Li Keung
Queen Charlotte’s Cup at The Peaceful Dragon – March 11, 2017
Come join us at the Carolina’s premier Martial Arts event located at The Peaceful Dragon, March 11, 2017. Every year this event brings martial artists from around the US and the world! We gather to compete in forms competitions (empty hands and weapons) in Northern Kung Fu, Southern Kung Fu, Wushu, and Taijiquan as well as combat competitions in Light Contact Continuous Sparring, Full Contact Lei Tai, Push Hands, Sword Sparring and Chi Sao. This event is open to the public for both spectators and competitors. Please see Events to learn more about it. Competitors, please Pre-Register to ensure your spot and save $10!